Da da dadaaaaaa ♪♫♬

Ey, what’s up, World? Again, it’s been a while! I just seem to remember this site when I feel the sudden urge to update my portfolio. And boy, it needs a good share of updates, starting with plugin/Wordpress updates and solutions for unwanted behavior that this website theme is giving me. But I’m not going to talk about that today. It’s obvious there are things to fix, and I have decided to take a different approach instead of patching things up. Indeed, I’ve just finished creating a very quick CV website, where now my domain redirects to, so I can have a more professional approach when giving this URL. And then, for the same reason, I plan to start submitting the projects I feel more proud of to Behance. Does this mean I am abandoning this portfolio? Nope! No more than it already is abandoned, at least. I really wish I had more time to get back to it and keep showing you here my small and personal projects. The other truth is that I have not been able to work on many personal projects lately, either, because… Guess what? I’m getting married the 14th of July! Weeeee! (Yeah, […]
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May day, MAYDAY!

Hey, Internet! How are you doing? It’s been quite the long while, isn’t it? Different salutations and seasonal greetings are in order, but I have grown a rebel and will not speak of any of that today. I just wanted to let you know that I am still alive (I think…), although the social and economic obligations that the Neoliberalism obscurely forces us to comply makes me wonder about the meaning of Life itself when the feeling of the unavoidable fleeting time creeps up my spine like a gelid snake of unfulfillment… then Zelda Breath of the Wild comes up in a conversation and I forget my mumblings for a while, remembering I have just spent 400€ for a game (you better live up to my expectations, Switch!) and waste hours waiting until rain stops in Hyrule :__D. Seriously now, in the year and a half that I spent away from here, I have been doing tons of things (discovering escape rooms, among others) and learning a lot (I am now able to create template files for components for the very-flexible-but-hideously-complex Magnolia CMS), not to say that a month ago we were on holidays in Japan (after 7 years I finally […]
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Hmm… Happy New Year? ^^U

…And Happy Christmas, Happy Halloween and many other events I’ve spent away from this site and from the world of art and creativity. Let’s say that, since my last post, my life started to change in a great number of ways and, like a tidal wave, washed away most of my routines and hobbies. However, said tsunami brought a dream boat to me so… no complains! ;) By the end of summer I finished my animation learning course, started working more hours and faced numerous challenges regarding my new home: most of them Ikea quests (boy, I love furniture building!), but also solving basic problems, moving my essential items and getting used to live on my own again. On the meanwhile, my ex-boss called me for a collaboration and I went back to online shops management on my free (*ironic* ha ha ha) time. On the last months I also had to deal with plenty of emotional changes, especially those regarding my relationship with Ari. As you know, we started really close and I love her to death… but she’s so used to my parents’ house that I feel bad when I take her with me to the new home. […]
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Summery Sumerian viruses

They’re not really Sumerians, though. I think… Hi, people! How are you doing? I’m spending one of the oddest months of July in my life. But, now I think about it, July frequently means the end of some things and the echoes of new beginnings… so I guess it’s not that strange, is it? I got to the end of the 3D Modeling and Animation course. I am both sad and grateful to be a little less busy. I still have works to finish, improve and perfect, and of course, I need to keep practicing a lot. But it will have to wait. So will any other creative activity. And so will my work and my initial tries to learn Javascript. Destiny (which I don’t really believe in) decided I had been abusing Time and Space lately and that it was the moment for me to stop overclocking myself. My body entered an ambiguous viral process (because we still don’t even know for sure what got me) and I’ve been resting most of the month now. I think is sort a non-subtle reminder I have to gain some patience and take better care of myself. And, truth be told, I’ve […]
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Longer days, longest adventures!

Hi again! How are you? It took me a while but I’ve finally uploaded some animation videos I’m proud of, so I hope today’s batch can compensate the recent lack of updates ^^u. Anyway, until now June’s been filled to the brim with activities… and knowing we are about to start the Hogueras, I suspect we are going to “overclock” this month in the following weeks. Leaving aside some stressful work sprints at the office about projects I barely knew about, we’ve really started with the house renovation (there are holes in every wall!), we’ve gotten to another level in the advanced bodymechanics class (a timed parkour exercise, gosh, that was hard…), I’ve had my first bath of 2015 at the beach (<3), and I’ve taken every chance to share my time with my friends (love you, Cocoguys and Cocogals!). We even got the opportunity to directly meet the great José Manuel Linares (3D modelling god at Halo and  Justin and the Knights of Valour) and Graham Gallagher (Rocket animator in Guardians of the Gallaxy!) at the Coco Day event! And our animation teacher, Ignacio Sastre, gave a great conference about creating indie games. I had a great and veeeery long day, that never really ended, but instead […]
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May… May I help you?

Hi again! How’s everything? The April hiatus got a little longer than expected, and I am still busy as hell. It’s been extra rough this week since I had to face a new enemy for me: allergies (and also some Spring Asthenia). I don’t have much energy left to spare, lately, and I try to spend the little free time I have away from screens and doing some kind of exercise or, at least, enjoying the fleeting diversions of my (now, finally!) sunny city in the coast. Lately we climbed to the Santa Barbara Castle to see a Tolkien exhibition, wandered around the Medieval Market beaming at the falconery majestic birds of prey, walked the sea line and the beach after an afternoon at the cinema and spent a good time reading manga next to Ari in my house’s patio. Oh, and I guess I should also admit I am kinda hooked to Heroes of the Storm. It’s my first time in a tower game and in a cooperative one, for the record -except for a couple of months I spend trying to level up a WoW hunter character-. I’m also lucky to play with my cousins and other great friends in the […]
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Waiting for the sun – short April hiatus

Hi, again! How’s everything? I spent last weekend at the Salón del Manga of Alicante, and I am still recovering from it. It was great, I got to meet plenty of good friends, bought some cool Zelda and Day of Tentacles t-shirts and got to see a brief kyuudou (Japanese archery) show. I also decided this week-end to stop postponing the end of the Dragon Age Inquisition campaing and finished the game. Now I’m sort of nostalgic and homesick, like when I end a good book. And talking about good books, I will miss Sir Terry Pratchett. A lot. He is my favourite writer and I feel an enormous connection with his characters and the way he saw life. I will always be grateful, for his words have always been a guide in the darkest times, and “no matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it” <3. Onto less serious matters, the new anime season has started. For now, it doesn’t look too promising. I was expecting the new Arlan Senki adaptation, but it seems my favourite Spring anime will be Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the End). I love the character design and, […]
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Spring flow

It seems like it’s finally Spring, yeah! And almost April, one of my favourite months ♥, although this March has been clearly full of surprises and good experiences. I’ve started working and, for now, I’m really happy with my job. My colleagues are charming, I practice English everyday, we’ve got a coffee machine with boiling water (so I can make myself delicious tea) and my computer there is far better and powerful than the one I must torture using Maya at home. It also seems like I’ll be involved in lots of interesting projects related to software development. Who knows, I may even end up learning how to code! (which I’ve always wanted to, by the way). I believe it will also give me the opportunity to strengthen my abilities in graphic design (another pending subject). Regarding animation, I can’t dedicate much time outside the classes; and the same goes for modelling, drawing or writing. My remaining hours are destined to the new home project, my beautiful kitten and my dear friends. Oh, and I must remember to take some time to rest. However, I’ll scrap some hours in the artistic area because… we’re working on a short video at school! It’s […]
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New projects and meetings! Introducing Ari ♥ and EthelDREAD

Hi again! January has slipped away quickly, in a good sense. My main achievement: this portfolio is up and working, after a lot of hours of CSS3, technical support and self-learning about parking domains and redirections. I have some other projects to publish left, though. I’ll try to keep uploading things each week, new and old ones. Apart from the web progress I’ve filled this month with a lot of work (digital illustration and concept, modeling test with Z-Brush, fiction literature and anime articles correction, etc.), but also with good friends and… a new homemate! The one in the photo is Ari (full name: Ari ‘Taiga’ Vanderhander), and she’s only 3 months old. I use this entry to confess I had been feeling really low and lost since July, when my cat Mau passed away. She was 21 and a half years old. Yes, it’s no typo, she was reeeeally old. It also means I didn’t know what was life without her. We had been together since I was five, and I consider her my sister. After that, I’ve been reluctant to share my life with another pet, mainly because I ignored if I was going to stay in Alicante or […]
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015!

Hi, there! Hello, World! This is my first post, and my first 2015 project to be achieved in the task list: finally getting a working portfolio! Having a decent website has been one of my pretensions since a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, my choice of hosting when I was studying web design was a mistake and I’ve been having a lot of problems developping it, security issues and poor customer service. I’m a pretty picky user in terms of design too, and it’s been hard to find a responsive theme that gave me an easy access to the features I wanted, without having to spend hours getting a filtrable portfolio to work efficiently. But finally, the day has come! And what a wonderful way it is to start 2015. For those of you who knew my last site, I’ve changed the language: I’ll stick to English for almost everything. That said, I usually work in Spanish in comics and other publications, so check the translations on the text area if you don’t understand it, ok? Thanks for your patience and please excuse my mistakes writing, knowing it’s not my native language. I also changed the logo, and don’t know yet if I’ll keep it […]
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