May day, MAYDAY!


Hey, Internet! How are you doing? It’s been quite the long while, isn’t it?

Different salutations and seasonal greetings are in order, but I have grown a rebel and will not speak of any of that today.

I just wanted to let you know that I am still alive (I think…), although the social and economic obligations that the Neoliberalism obscurely forces us to comply makes me wonder about the meaning of Life itself when the feeling of the unavoidable fleeting time creeps up my spine like a gelid snake of unfulfillment… then Zelda Breath of the Wild comes up in a conversation and I forget my mumblings for a while, remembering I have just spent 400€ for a game (you better live up to my expectations, Switch!) and waste hours waiting until rain stops in Hyrule :__D.

Seriously now, in the year and a half that I spent away from here, I have been doing tons of things (discovering escape rooms, among others) and learning a lot (I am now able to create template files for components for the very-flexible-but-hideously-complex Magnolia CMS), not to say that a month ago we were on holidays in Japan (after 7 years I finally got the chance to go back!). And I will soon be sharing my life and home with that chick magnet guy I’ve mentioned before. Congratulations me! So yeah, busy time.

Actually, I am here now because I got a wake-up call from one of my teachers at Coco (hi there, Fran, if you end up reading this :* ). We were talking about my random as hell multidisciplinary education and the topic of the portfolio came up. That’s when I though “I had something like that, right?”.

I first intended to take my 2013 PDF portfolio for a walk buy I guess it’s grown quite old and it’s now week on the knees… So I thought of making a new one… and then I realized I have been complaining for months that I’m quite delayed with my own plans for a novel I am publishing, and that I don’t have time to write or draw lately, so it seems kind of a wrong priority when I can just upload things here (tada!).

Obviously, that means I won’t be able to show you guys most of what I have been doing in my professional area lately because I have a very serious non-disclosure contract. That also means that I’ve just had a very disappointing time rediscovering my administration panel here… and trying to fix something on the WordPress theme I am using.

You know the “There’s none worse shod than the shoemaker’s wife” telling? Surprise! I am a frontend developer specialized in creating from zero beautiful WordPress instances for all our clients projects… but my online portfolio is not really mobile responsive! And the theme doesn’t even use Bootstrap. Oh, my, time sure flies… I certainly thought of changing the theme but I was not able to quickly find any other free template that included a multi-filterable portfolio. In a nutshell, Pure still has the feature I like most in a personal art page.

So, for now, Pure (last updated in 2014 :___D ) is staying as it is, except for some minor fixes (ha!) in pages and codes. And in the next days I will try to upload some illustrations I have been doing during this last year. Oh! And now the contact form works (yay!). I did not even know it was broken ^^U.

In any case, let’s agree that I have ranted enough tonight. I will leave the rest for another day. I am really glad to be back again here. This website may not be totally responsive, but it sure widens my heart with a layout of pride when I’m feeling small.

And now, Carmen sets herself to display:none ‘til next time. Good night!


PD: I haven’t told you about Yuko! Ari has now a sister! You can see her in the embed image of the post. She’s the black cutie pie that loves water <3.

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