Longer days, longest adventures!
Hi again! How are you? It took me a while but I’ve finally uploaded some animation videos I’m proud of, so I hope today’s batch can compensate the recent lack of updates ^^u. Anyway, until now June’s been filled to the brim with activities… and knowing we are about to start the Hogueras, I suspect we are going to “overclock” this month in the following weeks. Leaving aside some stressful work sprints at the office about projects I barely knew about, we’ve really started with the house renovation (there are holes in every wall!), we’ve gotten to another level in the advanced bodymechanics class (a timed parkour exercise, gosh, that was hard…), I’ve had my first bath of 2015 at the beach (<3), and I’ve taken every chance to share my time with my friends (love you, Cocoguys and Cocogals!). We even got the opportunity to directly meet the great José Manuel Linares (3D modelling god at Halo and Justin and the Knights of Valour) and Graham Gallagher (Rocket animator in Guardians of the Gallaxy!) at the Coco Day event! And our animation teacher, Ignacio Sastre, gave a great conference about creating indie games. I had a great and veeeery long day, that never really ended, but instead […]
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