Spring flow


It seems like it’s finally Spring, yeah! And almost April, one of my favourite months ♥, although this March has been clearly full of surprises and good experiences.

I’ve started working and, for now, I’m really happy with my job. My colleagues are charming, I practice English everyday, we’ve got a coffee machine with boiling water (so I can make myself delicious tea) and my computer there is far better and powerful than the one I must torture using Maya at home. It also seems like I’ll be involved in lots of interesting projects related to software development. Who knows, I may even end up learning how to code! (which I’ve always wanted to, by the way). I believe it will also give me the opportunity to strengthen my abilities in graphic design (another pending subject).

Regarding animation, I can’t dedicate much time outside the classes; and the same goes for modelling, drawing or writing. My remaining hours are destined to the new home project, my beautiful kitten and my dear friends. Oh, and I must remember to take some time to rest. However, I’ll scrap some hours in the artistic area because… we’re working on a short video at school! It’s not an official project, just that my classmates rule so much than we’ve decided to build our own video. It will probably take more than we imagine right now, but I’m delighted thinking we’ll be sharing a little creative adventure. I hope we can show you more in the near future.

Oh, and April will be full of events! Pirate marked at the harbour, Alicante Manga Con, my birthday… Definitely, a promising month. Let’s wish for a lot of energy, we’ll be needing it!

See you! Have a great time,



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