Digital art.
You may have noticed (thought it is very subtle ^^U) I like pirates and the sea. Most people do, actually. Among them, my friends. Have I told you we discovered escape rooms? We do, and we have a team called “Escapiratas” (“Escapirates”). We haven’t done anything worth mentioning with it, and hardly get the chance to meet frequently to solve mysteries as much as I would love to but, hey, we have t-shirts now! We also have a logo.

Anonymity, weee!
[URIS id=547]
This illustration was also a sort of surprise for our mates Héctor and Isabel, and the printed t-shirts, a Christmas gift. Took me a long while to finish it, but I enjoyed it a lot. I still like the essence of the initial sketch better, but I always like sketches over final art, so I will end this post with it.